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·   人类社会-生态系统可持续管理在林业政策的实践,促进资源保护与当地农村社会经济、农户生计的协调发展

·   农林政策的社会经济分析与社会影响评价

·   农林投资项目可行性评估与社会、环境风险管理咨询

·   气候变化框架下国际国内农林、环境政策研究咨询

·   新能源包括可再生能源科技发展

·    环境科学与综合管理


1. 亚行/国家发改委/农业部“中国农村能源生态建设二期” 亚行和全球环境基金(GEF 赠款贷款项目(CEFPF Grant 0202-PRC, GEF Grant 0203-PRC),负责项目执行与绩效监测评价系统考核(PPMS), 开展调研,撰写评价报告,提出建议并提交亚行和政府执行机构。能源环境专家

2. 国家发改委/财政部/农业部/ “十一五”一百个绿色能源示范县建设项目,作为参与实地调研,协助完成绿色能源示范县的规划设计和编写,并为当地绿色能源示范县的沼气工程提供经济社会环境效益分析。生物质能源环境专家

3. 中国林业政策与天然林保护工程的社会影响评价以促进林区社会与生态系统的可持续发展 - 国有与集体林区案例研究及政策建议,德国德意志学术交流中心(DAAD)资金项目。项目负责人

4. 中国可持续性有机污染物管理处置示范项目,世界银行与浙江省环保厅合作项目,作为政府项目官员,协调当地政府、企业、研究机构以及专家与世行的合作,并提供技术支持。政府项目官员

5. 中德政府“中德技术合作森林与可持续发展整体项目”(2004-2008),促进项目组织方德国国际合作公司(GIZ)与项目合作方沟通合作交流;参与其子项目“政策框架支持与研究”。项目协调员,顾问



1.   Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J.; Li, Z. (2013) (Forthcoming) Social impact assessment in forestry field: Case studies of Natural Forestry Protection Program impacting on local communities and households in Western China. Paper has been accepted by Journal of Environmental Assessment Policy and Management, and is currently under revision. Print ISSN: 1464-3332, online ISSN: 1757-5605.

2.   Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J.; Li, Z. (2012) (Forthcoming) Conflicts and interrelations between the local traditional use rights to forests by local households and governmental forest project in China. Paper has been accepted by Journal of Forest Policy and Economics, and is currently under revision. ISSN: 13899341.

3.   Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J.; Li, Z. (2010) Social Impact Assessment of the Natural Forest Protection Program on forest-dependent communities and households in Western China – Case studies in Gansu Province and Chongqing Municipality. Institut für Internationale Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, TU-Dresden. Ell Print, Tharandt Germany, October 2010. ISBN 978-3-942934-00-8.


4.   Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J. (2008) Assessing social impacts of China’s ecological oriented forestry policy on local forest-dependent communities in Mountainous Regions: Comparative analysis of Case Studies in Western China. Paper presented to and published in Annual International Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture and Natural Resource Management for Sustainability (Tropentag 2008) with subject of “Natural Resources Management in a Changing World”. Stuttgart (Hohenheim)/Germany 7-9 October 2008. http://www.tropentag.de/2008/abstracts/abstracts.php?showtime=0&noID=1&menu=11#Subgroup_4g

5.    Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J. (2005) How much environmental costs the farmers bear? – Socioeconomic analysis of the Natural Forest Protection Program and its influences on local households in Xiaolongshan State-owned forest area in China. Paper presented to Sino-German Forestry dialogue on Sustainable Forestry. Beijing 25-27 October 2005.

6.    Wang, Y.; Uhlmann, D. (2003) Ecological function and proper treatment of surface level water of West Lake Protected Area in Hangzhou of China. Paper presented to the 26th UNEP/UNESCO/BMU International Postgraduate Course on Environmental Management, Dresden/Germany 13-15 July 2003.



Wang, Y.; Pretzsch, J.; Li, Z. (2010) Social Impact Assessment of Natural Forest Protection Program on forest-dependent communities and households in Western China – Case studies in Gansu Province and Chongqing Municipality. Institut für Internationale Forst- und Holzwirtschaft, TU-Dresden. Ell Print, Tharandt Germany, October 2010. ISBN 978-3-942934-00-8.

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