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1. Kathleen Carmel Buckingham, Liangru Wu, Yiping Lou. Can’t See the (Bamboo) Forest for the Trees: Examining: Bamboo’s Fit Within International Forestry Institutions. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences 2013.

2. Kathleen Buckingham, Paul Jepson, Liangru Wu, I. V. Ramanuja Rao, Sannai Jiang, Walter Liese,Yiping Lou, Maoyi Fu. The Potential of Bamboo is Constrained by Outmoded Policy Frames. AMBIO, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, 2011.

3. Maxim Lobovikov, Dieter Schoene & Lou Yiping, Bamboo in climate change and rural livelihoods, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change (2012): 17: 261-276.

4. Yannick Kuehl and Lou Yiping. 2012. Carbon off-setting with bamboo. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, Working Paper 71, 2013.

5. Yannick Kuehl, Giles Henley and Lou Yiping, 2011. The Climate Change Challenge and Bamboo: Mitigation and Adaptation. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, Working Paper 65.

6. Jules Janssen & Lou Yiping, Capturing Carbon with Bamboo. Magazine of the American Bamboo Society June 2010 Vol. 31 Issue 3.

7. Lou Yiping and Giles Henley. 2010, Biodiversity in Bamboo Forests: a policy perspective for long term sustainability. International Network for Bamboo and Rattan, Working paper, No. 59.

8. Maxim Lobovikov, Yiping Lou, Dieter Schoene, Raya Widenoja. 2009. THE POOR MAN’S CARBON SINK, BAMBOO IN CLIMATE CHANGE AND POVERTY ALLEVIATION. FAO, working paper.

9. Lou Yiping, Maxim Lobovikov, et al, Global Bamboo Carbon Study - Bamboo: Roles in climate change, carbon sequestration and poverty alleviation under the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol, FAO and INBAR Technical Report, 2007.

10. Lou Yiping, Li Yanxia, Kathleen Buckingham The Study of the Necessity and Feasibility of Certification for Sustainable Bamboo Forest Management in China, JOURNAL OF BAMBOO RESEARCH. 2008, 27(3).

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